CubiScan. A common household (or warehouse-hold) name in most shipping and distribution circles. We are fortunate to have a strong brand name in CubiScan - a name that is recognizable all over the globe. Over the decades we have heard, and seen, our CubiScan brand mentioned in many, many different ways. No matter how you spell, or say C-U-B-I-S-C-A-N, we are the experts in dimensioning and weighing systems and have more experience than anyone! We invented and perfected cubing - and have provided viable solutions for dimensioning and weighing in the distribution and transportation industries for nearly 30 years.

The most infamous of all of these names we are called, by some of our Customer/Prospects, is "The CUBINATOR" (best said in an Austrian accent, of course). Even though this is not the name of our dimensioning devices, we are honored to share it with someone, or something, that can be associated with one of the strongest pieces of technology to ever walk the earth, even if it was part man - part cyborg. Our several "CUBINATOR" models may not be from another planet, but they are built to withstand the constant wear and tear from the many destructive forces located throughout a typical distribution center.
Because it is currently October, and in an effort to celebrate some of the fictitious creations in life, we would like to mention some of the other terms our CUBISCAN cubing and weighing devices have been called over the years.
For pure entertainment on Halloween today - I introduce the Top 10 CubiScan Nick Names that have been tossed around over time:
- CubiTron
- Cubiscanner
- Cube Scanner
- The Dimensionalizer
- Cubic Scanner
- Cube-A-Scan
- CubicSan
- El CubiScan
- Cubic Scan
Honorable Mentions:
- Cube a Scan
- Cube-a-Scan
- Cubescan
- Cube a Scanner
- CubicScanner
- Quantronix Scanner
- Quantronix Scan
- Cube a Scan
- Qubic Scan
- QubicScan
- Cube a Scanner
- Cubi Tron
- CubaTron
- Cube a Tron
- Cube-a-Tron
- CubicTron
- CubaScan
- CubiScanning
- CubiScaning
- Cubi Scan
- Cube-i-Scan
- Cube a scanner
- Cubi scan
- Cubyscan
- Cuby scan
- Cubbie Scan
- Cubetronix
- Cube-tronix
- Cube tronix
Whether you are new to our company, or if you've been a customer of ours since the beginning, our measuring devices are actually called CUBISCANS, but we'll continue to answer to CubicScan, Cubitron, or El CubiScan (Se Hable Espanol...and about 50 other languages). We honor the relationships we've developed and are thrilled to play a vital role in our clients overall success in the warehousing and shipping industries. Thank you for the business over the years!

If you still need to optimize your warehouse, strengthen your existing shipping or packing stations, bettter organize your 3PL, minimize shipping costs, complete a warehouse audit, design fully integrated shipping stations, review carton selection practices, or reduce voidfill/corregate - this can all easily be accommplished with a CubiScan measuring and weighing system to better organize your entire DC or overcome 2015 dimensional weighing shipping rate hikes by your carrier.
For short term CubiScan RENTAL and PURCHASE pricing contact us now!
Download our Dimensioning for Profit white paper below: