In the Market for a New Dimensioner? It's Best to Invest in Quality

Nov 11, 2021 |
Cubiscan 100s on a table
Investing in a new product can be daunting. Customers look at the price tag and begin to ask if it’s worth it and maybe even start to explore cheaper options. However, it’s important to know that there’s a give and take with everything in life. When it comes to dimensioning, quality pays for itself many times over in the long run. Quality dimensioning products last longer, deliver better dimensional data, are reliable during challenging times, and require less maintenance. In this article, we’ll delve into the benefits of investing in a high-quality, reliable dimensioning system. 


Much like automobiles, dimensioners that are built to last require a larger initial investment. However, unlike a car, a dimensioning system pays for itself in a matter of months and begins generating revenue for the operation it serves. A system made with industrial-grade materials and durable components can be used for years without a decrease in performance. When a dimensioning system is made from cheap materials, the possibility of it needing to be replaced or repaired at inconvenient times goes up. If a system goes down during peak shipping season, it can cause disruption and make the rest of the operation less efficient.


In our world today, data is king. Chances are, you use data to make decisions that best benefit your company and customers. Because data is so valuable, investing in equipment and technology that provides the best possible data is critical, especially as you ramp into the most challenging stretch of the year. The data you get from a high-quality dimensioner is used to increase profit margins, improve space usage, and verify crucial information in the shipping process. By using the best dimensioning system available, you can be confident in your data, and in turn, be confident in your decisions.


In the logistics, e-commerce, and shipping industries, there are a lot of moving parts. If one of those parts begins to underperform or completely breakdown, it can wreak havoc on the entire operation causing delays, a poor customer experience, and other costly errors. Those challenges shape customers’ views of your company and can stain your reputation. The truest sign of quality in a dimensioning system is the ability to do what it's designed to do when high volumes and challenging items.


Cheaper alternatives to high-end dimensioning systems will always exist, though they likely won't be the best option for taking your operation to the next level. Good enough isn’t enough when it comes to dimensioning. If your operation is processing hundreds or even thousands of items every day, you could be missing out on revenue every day if your dimensioning system isn’t performing well. Every operation is unique and it’s important to choose a system that can thoroughly overcome the challenges presented to the operation. Don't pick one that does a good job for some situations. Choose a system that does exactly what you need it to do day after day and year after year. 


Dimensioning technology has come a long way since its inception and it continues to get better. Businesses all over the world are using the technology to streamline their operations, boost revenues, and more. To consistently get the most out of dimensional data for years, it’s best to invest in a system made with quality materials that is built to last. Here at Cubiscan, we manufacture the highest quality dimensioning products on the market.

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Tags: Dimensioning system, Dimensioning equipment, dimensional data