Cubiscan 200SQ | Inverter A or Inverter B Disconnect (Error 9205)

E9205: Inverter B disconnect

This condition often results from an E-Stop button being pressed, which cuts the High Voltage AC power to the Motor Controls, VFD's, also known as Inverters.  Check the E-Stop buttons and ensure that they are all reset.  There are two buttons on the machine, but this may also result from an E-Stop press on a larger conveyor system as well.


This error may also be caused by a power issue from the main breaker feeding the system.  The 200SQ machine requires 3 Phase 208~240 VAC power for the motor Drive Control/Inverters. There are two inverters in the machine (A & B), one for each belt drive motor.  This error indicates that the Drive Control/Inverter is not receiving proper power, and cannot operate.

If the problem is not E-Stop related, check the breaker panel that supplies power to the Cubiscan machine.  It is likely that a breaker has been tripped on one of the three power line circuits so the machine powers up, but is not able to control the motors.