Cubiscan 200TS | Display <=> Conveyor Disconnect error

Conveyor <=> Display Disconnect, CS200-TS will not boot or run properly.

The "Conveyor <=> Display Disconnect" error is displayed when the Console or Touch Screen assembly cannot connect to the Motherboard PCB in the Conveyor assembly.  This is most commonly the result of a cold solder joint on the connecting PCB's.  At times it is the one in the Console assembly, but it can also be the one at the Motherboard PCB in the Conveyor assembly. To correct these issues, the board either needs to be replaced, or the solder joint connections must be carefully melted briefly to allow the connection to be fixed inside of the circuit board solder points.  All communication between the console, and the Conveyor passes through this connection.


On older model CS200-TS machines it can also be a loose RS232, 9 pin connector at the back of the Console/Touchscreen display assembly.  Please see below for depictions of where these issues can occur.

Console IO PCB location...

Console PCBs IMG_1584-JPG   

Conveyor Motherboard PCB... 

Conveyor Motherboard  Location-jpg

Conveyor Motherboard PCB connection to Console B-jpg  Conveyor Motherboard PCB connection to Console C-jpg

Console Rear IMG_2911-jpg