Sequence error/Photo Sensor Error 2125 or 2136, Error 51 in Qbit Software.
In the event an error 2125 is observed at conveyor start, and no package or other obvious obstruction to the length photo sensors is present, do the following to troubleshoot the sensors...
- Stop the conveyor if it is running
- Key in "009" On the keypad to the right of the touchscreen
- Select Test Mode
- Select Conveyor
- Select Photo Sensor
- Using this page diagnose where the sensor error is coming from and instruct the customer to clean the Length Sensors located on edges of the belt surfaces. There are 8 pairs of sensors. The issue may be caused by tape or label material stuck to the belt surfaces, or dust/debris at the sensor opening, or on the sensor itself. ( Some panel removal and deeper cleaning would be required if the dust is on the sensor window surfaces. It is recommended that a Cubiscan Technician perform this type of work during a Preventative Maintenance/Service Visit. This should be done during every PM visit.)
- Once the cause has been found and remedied, have them exit out of the menus until they are back into the main operation screen. Make sure all panels and hardware have been replaced. Start the machine back up and test for proper function.