Cubiscan Blog

How Dimensioning Systems Enhance the Customer Experience

Nov 11, 2021 |

Pleasing customers has become a bigger challenge as technology continues to advance. Customers want things done faster, they want things done well, and they want to have pleasant interactions with the companies they do business with. In this day and age of online public reviews it’s imperative for companies to be honest and forthcoming with their...

Tags| warehouse optimization, Dimensioning equipment, ecommerce

Key Benefits of Parcel Dimensioning

Aug 08, 2021 |

E-commerce continues to innovate and grow. During 2020 and 2021, consumers and businesses had to turn to e-commerce to get many things they needed. What does this mean? It means warehouses are moving more inventory, more delivery vehicles are necessary to keep up with demand, and those vehicles need to optimize space. As the e-commerce business...

Tags| cubing system, warehouse optimization, Dimensioning equipment, distribution

3 Brilliant Ways to Optimize Your Warehouse using Cubing Equipment

Jan 01, 2017 |

As a warehouse manager, your primary responsibility is to save the company money by orchestrating the most cost-efficient and effective warehousing operation known to mankind. Oh, and while you’re at it, make sure you build your warehousing process into a sustainable, competitive advantage the company can rely on to get a step up on the...

Tags| warehouse efficiency, warehouse optimization, Dimensioning equipment, Cubing Equipment

The Power of Cubing from 30,000 ft...65 mph & 29 knots

Aug 08, 2014 |

We Invented Cubing!

Quantronix-first in Cubing- invented and perfected the CubiScan® dimensioning and weighing systems.  Our passion for cubing has led to the development of the broadest range of automated dimensioning and weighing systems.

CubiScan products are used in a wide variety of automated freight handling (air, ground, rail and ocean),...

Tags| slotting project, warehouse optimization, Cubing for Air, Ocean, Rail, or Truck

Five Reasons Why You Need CubiScan to Optimize Your Warehouse.

Jun 06, 2014 |

A better bottom line. As companies strive toward the achievement of these four magic -- and often elusive words,  the objective is clear: trim expenditures while embracing opportunities for growth. This involves taking a cold hard look at ongoing practices, identifying underperforming areas, setting new goals, and implementing strategic measures...

Tags| warehouse efficiency, warehouse optimization