Cubiscan Blog

Can Your Operation Benefit from Contour Data?

Jul 07, 2022 |
Contour data goes beyond standard dimensions. With a contour system, you can know everything you need to know about a pallet and the products on it. In this blog, we'll discuss some signs that your facility needs more detailed data and the benefits that this data can provide to your operation.
Indicators that You Need Contour Data


Tags| warehouse optimization, dimensional data, Cubiscan Contour-AKL

2 Valuable Applications for a Contour Dimensioner

Jul 07, 2022 |

In our last blog, we introduced you to the Cubiscan Contour-AKL. Like all dimensioning technologies, there are best-use cases for a contour system. In the next few years, you may need more actionable data to implement new technology such as AGVs or to improve other processes within your facility. In this piece, we will discuss two useful...

Tags| warehouse optimization, dimensional data, Cubiscan Contour-AKL

How to Ease Warehouse Employee Turnover

Jun 06, 2022 |

Consumers love online shopping. 75% of people place at least one online order per month. Most items ordered online are currently in a warehouse and could see the inside of multiple warehouses before arriving at their final destination. However, a whopping 73% of warehouses report that they don't have enough labor to meet current demand–a scary...

Tags| warehouse efficiency, warehouse optimization, warehousing

3 Common Dimensioning System Applications

Jun 06, 2022 |

Dimensioning systems are a staple for warehouses and distribution centers. If you're in the warehousing or shipping industry, you may be in the market for a dimensioning system and are reading up on blogs such as this one to learn more.Knowing what you need from your dimensioning solution plays a huge role in selecting the best model for your...

Tags| warehouse optimization, Dimensioning equipment, dimensional data

How to Assess if Your Warehouse Needs Automation

May 05, 2022 |

Automation is a delicate balance between budget, need, labor, space, and flow. The benefits of automation can differ significantly based on the type of facility you run. Low-volume facilities may not see the same returns as mid to high-volume shipping facilities. But that doesn’t mean an investment in automation isn’t for you. Continue reading...

Tags| warehouse efficiency, warehouse optimization

7 Products That Will Immediately Boost Efficiency and Throughput in Your Warehouse

May 05, 2022 |
In our e-commerce crazed world, warehouse activity is through the roof. Keeping up with demand is tough, especially with current labor shortages and constantly increasing wages. In order to meet demand and keep your costs to a minimum, you need to do more with less. One way to boost efficiency while keeping overhead low is to invest in...

Tags| warehouse efficiency, warehouse optimization, warehousing

Why Are Precise Measurements Essential for Warehouse Efficiency?

Feb 02, 2022 |
Precise measurements are essential for efficient shipping processes and managing inventory. Every year the warehousing industry faces new challenges. Precise measurements and dimensional data are essential in tackling these challenges and are both pivotal in keeping operations running smoothly. In this blog, we’ll outline a few ways to know if...

Tags| warehouse optimization